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Joan Sorolla

Photographic Areas of Focus

Architecture, Architecture, Film/Analog, Film/Analog, Landscapes, Landscapes, People, Street




Joan Sorolla was born in Terrassa (Catalonia). He is a Bachelor's Degree in Art History at the Universitat of Barcelona (UB) and a Master's Degree in Design and Development of Interactive Multimedia Systems at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). He worked as a free lance photographer in the 1980s. His main ACTIVITY is as follows: - OPEN PANORAMIC 2022. "New tectonics" series under the main subject of "The fourth landscape". Finalist. Granollers/ Barcelona, November 2022. - WB. WALTER BENJAMIN A LA (SEVA) FRONTERA (Walter Benjamin at (his) border). Walter Benjamin Hall (Portbou, Catalonia). July 2022. Solo photographic exhibition - Donation of a collection of images to the OBSERVATORI DEL PAISATGE DE CATALUNYA (Observatory of the Landscape of Catalonia) showing different transformations, alterations and scars in the Catalan territory. These images can be seen soon on the web www.catpaisatge.net where they will remain under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License (CC BY-NC-SA) - FINEART IGUALADA. Participation in the 10th edition of the festival with the project "Integracions invisbles" as part of the collective work "Nit de pedra seca", commissioned by Ricard Espelt (CoponsInLoft). March 2022 - Co-founder of LA ROCA CÀMERA CLUB, an amateur photographic group with a local vocation. La Roca del Vallès, 2021. - WB. WALTER BENJAMIN AT (HIS) BORDER. A photo-text book about the last day of Walter Benjamin's life. Self-publishing. ISBN: 9 788409 298495. April 2021. (English texts reviewed by Willson Cummer) - QUOTIDIANS. Espronceda Center for Arts & Culture (Barcelona). Group exhibition of CUKS artists collective focused on the artistic vision of everyday life. November - December 2019. - FESTIVAL OFF 2019. Perpignan. A selection of 15 images from the "Passejant el gos. Un tribut a Keith Arnatt" series. Coworking & Coffee Hotel Mondial. From August 31 to September 14 2019 - PHMUSEUM 2019 MOBILE PHOTO PRIZE. 3r Prize in the "Documentary" category. Hold by the Photographic Museum of Humanity, GUP Magazine and SpazioLabo' Photography.  - Included in the book "THE BEST OF LENSCULTURE VOL. 3" shows images of 165 international photographers. - BEYOND BOUNDARIES: LENSCULTURE DISCOVERIES IN CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY. Aperture Gallery (New York City). Group exhibition. Participation as a winner of the Visual Storytelling Awards 2019. April 25 to May 2, 2019 - FESTIMATGE. XIV edition of this Photography Festival (Calella, Catalonia). The first public exhibition of the 50 analogue copies of the "WALKING THE DOG. A TRIBUTE TO KEITH ARNATT" series. April 2019. - LENSCULTURE VISUAL STORYTELLING AWARDS 2019, Winner, Documentary. Hold by LensCulture - OBLIDATS. Solo exhibition. December 2018- January 2019. Espai Tangram (Barcelona) VISCA PER LA LLIBERTAT. Group exhibition. September-October 2018. Perpinyà (Perpignan) - WALKING THE DOG. A TRIBUTE TO KEITH ARNATT. Book with 50 portraits of people with their dogs. Film photography. - LES SYMÉTRIES DE L'HORREUR. Solo exhibition. Photographies of Sachsenhausen concentration camp (Germany). Januaty-February 2015. Médiatèque Ludovic Massé. (Céret, France) LLUMS I ATZAR. Solo exhibition. Exhibition at “Espai Poliedric Tangram”. From October 5 to November 8, 2013. (Barcelona) - L'EXPEDIENT MIRALPEIX-ALSINA. Book Making. March 6, 2013. Limited edition of 30 copies. - BONAVENTURA MIRALPEIX AND FLORA ALSINA: DOS ROQUEROLS OBLIDATS. Solo exhibition. Inaugurated on March 6 to April 5, 2013. Centre Cultural. (La Roca del Vallès) - L’APARADOR (The Hutch). Solo exhibition. Photographic installation. Inaugurated on February 2, 2013. Espai Garum Gallery. (Lliçà d’Amunt) - BONAVENTURA MIRALPEIX AND FLORA ALSINA: DOS ROQUEROLS OBLIDATS. Inaugurated on July 8, 2012. “X Biennial of Olot. International Photo Show”, co-host (Castellfollit de la Roca).

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