1839 Magazine
Featuring interviews with winning artists and our world-class judges as well as resources and tips from the pros, 1839 Magazine will help you dive deeper into the world of 1839, learn about applying to our contests, and hone your craft.
by Lily Fierman
The International Discovery of the Year winning image, "Buried Car, CA," by Matthew Portch, exudes stillness so clearly that it's almost a physical feeling one can grasp and hold in one's hands when looking at it. While many documentarians of America focus on the Western landscape's natural geography, Portch's unique perspective gives the subject a new definition, strength, and contemporaneity.
Continueby Lily Fierman
Logan White's winning image is like a Rorschach test of girlhood. Is this a happy pause at the end of a night out before bed or a pensive one where something unspoken is being mentally unpacked? The artist's ability to make this image both nostalgic and mysterious reminds us that photography is one of the most intriguing mediums, earning White the top spot of International Photographer of the Year.
ContinuePhotography has the keen ability to share cultures and traditions far from our own backyards. This winning image, juxtaposing iconography with something as modern as baseball, helps viewers see something unexpected from a distant part of the world.