Josh New's profile pic
AI Self02

Josh New

Photographic Areas of Focus

Nude, People, Portrait


United States of America


Hello! I am a professional portrait and editorial photographer in my hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Before becoming a photographer I was a high school Japanese teacher and currently sit on the board of the historic Route 66 neighborhood where my studio is located. I believe everyone can look beautiful because everyone is beautiful. I believe I initially became a photographer to try and capture and keep the people and places in my life that kept disappearing during my childhood. Now I do it to show people how beautiful they are from an outside perspective. I love both the scientific and artistic sides of our medium. Finding the skill to create what my mind imagines and crafting the expertise to actualize an image that pushes the boundaries of the camera are things that drive my practice. A lot of my work comes from confronting stigmas and shame branded into me while growing up in Texas and Oklahoma in an extremely religious household. My journey to love my self has been parallel to my journey to undo the brainwashing caused by being constantly told that I was an abomination. I love when people smile. I am very lucky that my job is to have people smile at me all the time.

Josh's Awards

AI Self02
2024Color Photography Contest

AI Self02

People’s Vote Award
Honorable Mention

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