Mariana Pacho Lopez's profile pic
Mi amiga Virginia

Mariana Pacho Lopez

Photographic Areas of Focus

Fashion & Beauty, Film/Analog, Film/Analog, Nature, Nude, People, People, Portrait




Mariana Pacho López (1987) is an argentinian visual artist majorly focused on photography and video arts. Principal motives of her art works are women body, feminism and gender that highlighted by erotism and intimacy of Mariana´s imagery. Analog photography plays significant role among her photography tecniques and reflects her true artistic nature. Video works and audio visual installations are usually executed in digital format. As a child and until the age of 18 Mariana studied classical music, but then she immersed herself into the world of visual arts. Mariana studied photography and plastic arts. In 2010 she was selected in the Artists Program of the Torcuato Di Tella University and awarded with a scholarship from YPF. She has made multiple exhibitions both individual and collective in her country and in other parts of the world. She has been selected as a winner in many photo contests. She created and managed Inedito Pendrive which is a project where many photographers could participate and share their art with vast audience. Nowadays her major interest lies in a field of fashion photography where she collaborates with international and foreign magazines. As a part of her credo Mariana considers politics to be an important and an integral part of her artistic agenda so she combats gender and classist stereotypes and fights for lesbian rights through her media production.

Mariana's Awards

Mi amiga Virginia
2024Color Photography Contest

Mi amiga Virginia


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