Sandra Morante's profile pic
Study at Larung Gar

Sandra Morante

Photographic Areas of Focus

Landscapes, People, Portrait, Travel




Hailing from a city near Barcelona, Sandra is an impassioned travel photographer on a quest to capture the celebration of life wherever she is. Her photography journey began at an early age, fueling her globe-trotting adventures armed with a camera and insatiable curiosity. Sandra’s lens expertly captures genuine snapshots, weaving authentic visual and compositional narratives that embody the essence of each destination. Having spent over 15 years traveling in Asia, her portfolio encompasses candid shots, portraits, and candid images, all infused with a pinch of poetry. Through her work, she captures emotions, connections, and shared experiences that have molded her journeys, all conveyed with love, respect, and a profound sense of responsibility.

Sandra's Awards

Study at Larung Gar
2024Color Photography Contest

Study at Larung Gar

Honorable Mention

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